How full is your cup?

“What do we need to be well?” I often ask children this question and it’s a hard one to answer. I’m not sure I would know how to answer this myself without looking up research articles. An easier question to follow up with is, “What does a puppy need to be healthy and well?” This generates a lot of interest with children as many of them are the most caring and responsible pet owners or animal lovers. Common answers they come up with include:

  • Food/water
  • Sleep/rest
  • Walks/exercise/movement
  • Play/socialization
  • Connection/attention/love
  • Training/learning
  • Bathing/grooming

I’m always so impressed at the list children come up with as they naturally know what it takes to care for a puppy. When I look at this same list, these are all foundational building blocks we need to be healthy and well. Yet, we often neglect to care for ourselves with these basic needs. And sometimes we want to, but it’s really hard.

Fill your cup activity

Ask “what does a puppy need to be healthy and well?” Generate a list.

Write these needs onto styrofoam balls and fill them up in a cup as a metaphor of filling up our cup of wellness. It’s a good visualization of seeing an empty cup versus a fuller cup that helps us to live well day to day. I also talk about how when our cup is full, we can take on life’s challenges in a more mindful way. But when we are running empty or low, it can take one little stressor to set us off.

How full is your cup? What do you need to fill it up with today?